Countdown Block

The Countdown block is a versatile tool that allows you to create dynamic countdown timers on your Concrete CMS website. Whether you're running a limited-time promotion, organizing an event, or simply building excitement for an upcoming event, the Countdown block has you covered.

Key Features

  • End Date: Set the date and time when the countdown timer should end.
  • Hide Counter after Completion: Optionally hide the countdown timer after it reaches zero.
  • Display Message after Countdown Completion: Show a custom message after the countdown timer finishes.
  • Message Content: Customize the message content and choose from various HTML tags for styling.
  • After Countdown Completion, Redirect to: Redirect users to a specific page or external URL after the countdown finishes. This effect is visible only to non-logged-in users or non-superusers to avoid potential issues with page editing.
  • Show Credits Link: Display a link to the authors' page, acknowledging their work.


This block utilizes the flip.js library, licensed under the MIT License, to power its countdown functionality.

How to Add the Countdown Block

  1. Log in to your Concrete CMS site as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to the page where you want to add the Countdown block.
  3. Click on the "+" icon or "Add Content" button to open the block selection menu.
  4. Select "Countdown" from the list of available blocks.
  5. Fill in the required fields, such as the end date and any optional settings like hiding the counter or displaying a message.
  6. Customize the message content if needed, and choose the appropriate HTML tag.
  7. Optionally, set up a redirect destination for after the countdown completes. Note that this effect is visible only to non-logged-in users or non-superusers to avoid potential issues with page editing.
  8. Save your changes, and the Countdown block will be added to your page.

That's it! Your Countdown block is now ready to engage your visitors and create anticipation for your upcoming events or promotions.



Until the end of 2024: